About Me

I’m a pretty interesting guy. I swear.

When I was four, I decided to use my dad's Canon T2 as a bucket at the beach to make a sandcastle. Fast forward almost two decades and I'm still using cameras to produce unforgettable memories for others.

What started out as a hobby, going into Boston and casually snapping photos of things that I saw cool quickly and taking “artsy photos of my friends,” turned into a lifelong passion.


I grew up in a small suburban town in Massachusetts called Westwood, about thirty minutes outside of Boston. I have an older sister and two dogs: a black lab mix and a Shiba Inu. While it isn’t exactly the most rustic or photogenic place for the creative visions I have always dreamt of for myself, it put me in a place where I had to adapt and learn to be creative to satisfy myself. I am a completely self-taught photographer, learning from trial and error and admiring my favorite photographers. Before enrolling at Dartmouth College, I deferred a year to focus on photography full-time. My dream literally came true and my business took off: I learned so many invaluable life lessons and spent the year soul searching, something that I desperately needed.

I am currently an undergraduate student at Dartmouth College, the most beautiful place on Earth. Here, I study Quantitative Social Science and Geography, focusing my studies on art and climate change. Obviously, I am a very driven and curious person and I love to explore. At school, I work as an W-EMT as part of a local search and rescue and spend a lot of time with the Dartmouth Outing Club. Outside of photography, I love to sing, play the guitar and piano, hike, cook, bake, paint, build, read, and explore. I have a knack for writing, design, and the environment. I’ve also recently picked up leather working! I was never able to sit and watch TV or do nothing- if there was something to learn or something to gain, I was out doing it.


My goal is to capture your unique message and communicate your identity through idyllic photographs, as well as to manifest memories into a physical form that can be cherished for decades to come. I will try my hardest learn whatever I can about you and what you would like to achieve during our time together so that I can successfully meet your expectations. Whoever said "a photograph is worth a thousand words" is dead wrong, because it's worth so much more than that. My love for photography stems from my love for people and my desire for people to see the best versions of themselves. 

To learn even more about me, please visit my LinkedIn profile.